Behavioral Plasticity
Courses in English
Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat.
Higher mortality and suicide amongst those with chronic conditions
When seeking care for some ‘bodily’ symptoms, we need to see the whole human being. Not only the physical pain, but also the mental and social.
Mortality and suicide are too high among those with physical AND mental non-communicable diseases and remains untreated!
Kursmaterial FT&AT
Denna sida är för dig som går och gått terminskursen ACTiveRehab för FT & AT.
ACTiveRehab ASSIGNMENTS for the Israeli Physiotherapy Association- Introductory workshop 2020
On this page, you will find the assignment- proposals during the weeks between the first workshop-session and the second on the 28th Dec 2020. You may want to check it often since I will be updating it week by week. If you want to get a newsletter...
Challenges of learning ACT
ACT requires skills, skills to make effective changes yourself before you can guide others in this path. while knowledge can be gathered in a book or a workshop, skills need daily practice and continuous support and supervision. In this blogg and article you will read about difficulties and barriers of learning ACT.
emBODyACT Introduction Online
Cultivate Self-Care and flexibility together with peer clinicians. The Behavioral Plasticity program starts with us upgrading ourselves towards a more self-compassionated, more anchored in our body, dynamic, and vital version."I loved the focus on...
Process-based Educational model at ACT Institutet Sweden
the BEhavioral plasticity LEARNING MODEL ... the difference between a bridge of literature and the stepping stone of experiential learning is that you need to stop in every stone, and you dynamically change speed, length of the jump and the...