Courses &
In this page, you will find
a list of our courses and
blogs in English
This mini-workshop provides a fresh perspective on ACT processes and introduces novel approaches to embody and embed these powerful mechanisms of changes in your practice. It will also introduce the Profiles of Behavioral Plasticity, a fascinating and pragmatic way to understand behaviors, and their relation to each of the processes of behavioral changes.
Below you find the courses during fall 2020. The program starts with Block 1 which is the Personal application of the Behavioral Plasticity framework. In the first course (Course 1) you will learn to embody and embed the ACT’s underlying mechanisms of changes in your life to increase your health and vitality.
Challenges of learning ACT
ACT requires skills, skills to make effective changes yourself before you can guide others in this path. while knowledge can be gathered in a book or a workshop, skills need daily practice and continuous support and supervision. In this blogg and article you will read about difficulties and barriers of learning ACT.
Process-based Educational model at ACT Institutet Sweden
the BEhavioral plasticity LEARNING MODEL ... the difference between a bridge of literature and the stepping stone of experiential learning is that you need to stop in every stone, and you dynamically change speed, length of the jump and the stop...In the stepping...
ACT for your wellbeing
The mental health of the healthcare professionals is a serious concern that need to be addressed. in this post we present some of the studies done with ACT in the area.
Stepping Stones learning path
Learning emBODyACT, stepping stones where each stone creates a special space for you to learn and grow, where all the stones together open a novel, creative yet structured learning path from psychological flexibility to Behavioral Plasticity…