Kurser &
ACT kurser och annat
på svenska
Om du inte ser workshop på svenska och ser workshops på engelska, det beror på att det inte finns några på svenska inom de nermaste veckorna.
Det är möjligt att om det finns intresse, vi erbjuden en till workshop under hösten 2020, men ingen kurs. Utan till våren är du välkommen att söka kursen på Karolinska Institutet “ACT inom fysioterapi och arbetsterapi”.
Nu erbjuder ACT Institutet en liknande “ACT inom fysioterapi och arbetsterapi” vi erbjuder via Karolinska Institutet. Skillnaderna är (förutom priset) att den är mer kliniskt fokuserat och innehåller handledning under kursens gång.
Bloggarna är än så länge på engelska…
Higher mortality and suicide amongst those with chronic conditions
When seeking care for some ‘bodily’ symptoms, we need to see the whole human being. Not only the physical pain, but also the mental and social.
Mortality and suicide are too high among those with physical AND mental non-communicable diseases and remains untreated!
Challenges of learning ACT
ACT requires skills, skills to make effective changes yourself before you can guide others in this path. while knowledge can be gathered in a book or a workshop, skills need daily practice and continuous support and supervision. In this blogg and article you will read about difficulties and barriers of learning ACT.
Process-based Educational model at ACT Institutet Sweden
the BEhavioral plasticity LEARNING MODEL ... the difference between a bridge of literature and the stepping stone of experiential learning is that you need to stop in every stone, and you dynamically change speed, length of the jump and the stop...In the stepping...
ACT for your wellbeing
The mental health of the healthcare professionals is a serious concern that need to be addressed. in this post we present some of the studies done with ACT in the area.
Stepping Stones learning path
Learning emBODyACT, stepping stones where each stone creates a special space for you to learn and grow, where all the stones together open a novel, creative yet structured learning path from psychological flexibility to Behavioral Plasticity…