+46 (0) 709 74 37 77 info@actinstitutet.se

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Blogs in English

About the courses

emBODyACT    Introduction Online

emBODyACT Introduction Online

Cultivate Self-Care and flexibility together with peer clinicians. The Behavioral Plasticity program starts with us upgrading ourselves towards a more self-compassionated, more anchored in our body, dynamic, and vital version."I loved the focus on...

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About the program and the learning process

Challenges of learning ACT

Challenges of learning ACT

ACT requires skills, skills to make effective changes yourself before you can guide others in this path. while knowledge can be gathered in a book or a workshop, skills need daily practice and continuous support and supervision. In this blogg and article you will read about difficulties and barriers of learning ACT.

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ACT for your wellbeing

ACT for your wellbeing

The mental health of the healthcare professionals is a serious concern that need to be addressed. in this post we present some of the studies done with ACT in the area.

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Stepping Stones learning path

Stepping Stones learning path

Learning emBODyACT, stepping stones where each stone creates a special space for you to learn and grow, where all the stones together open a novel, creative yet structured learning path from psychological flexibility to Behavioral Plasticity…

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Process-based physiotherapy: we are more than a diagnosis (or two!)

Courses in English

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Bloggar på svenska (de kommer snart!)

emBODyACT    Introduction Online

emBODyACT Introduction Online

Cultivate Self-Care and flexibility together with peer clinicians. The Behavioral Plasticity program starts with us upgrading ourselves towards a more self-compassionated, more anchored in our body, dynamic, and vital version."I loved the focus on...

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Kurser på Svenska

ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) är en psykoterapi som bygger på evidensbaserade mekanismer som skapar beteendeförändringar. ACT använder dessa mekanismer för att öka psykologisk flexibilitet hos patienten vilket görs med psykoterapeutiska verktyg. Men inom fysioterapin och arbetsterapin använder vi kroppen och aktiviteter för att skapa hälsosamma beteenden som ökar  funktion och livskvalitet hos patienter. Därför i denna kurs lär vi oss ett koncept som bygger på samma mekanismer men anpassad till våra egna verktyg och modaliteter i arbetet med patienter som lider av kroniska tillstånd (vore sig är fysiska eller mentala) och som behöver olika typer av rehabilitering eller primärvårdsinsastser. 

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Blogs en castellano

Por ahora en inglés, mientras tanto puedes usar el traductor de tu browser, no?

emBODyACT    Introduction Online

emBODyACT Introduction Online

Cultivate Self-Care and flexibility together with peer clinicians. The Behavioral Plasticity program starts with us upgrading ourselves towards a more self-compassionated, more anchored in our body, dynamic, and vital version."I loved the focus on...

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Cursos en castellano

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Calendar – Kalender – Calendario
