emBODyACT Introduction Online
Cultivate Self-Care and flexibility together with peer clinicians.
The Behavioral Plasticity program starts with us upgrading ourselves towards a more self-compassionated, more anchored in our body, dynamic, and vital version.
“I loved the focus on embodying the ACT processes by noticing bodily responses to experiences in session. I want to start bringing body awareness into my practice.”
Picture by Jorge Angel Vila, Argentina
The workshop
This workshop opens a new landscape to behavioral changes. New colors and dimensions to our lifestyles, before we can ‘reflect’ and embody them in our clinical practice.
We will stroll along the process underlying ACT and experience how we can prompt these processes in a body-centered way. We will also explore embody feedback and new exercises.
We will learn about the Behavioral plasticity framework and how- based on clinical research- we have identified the Behavioral Plasticity profiles that inform us about which process is needed and in which dosage.
Finally, you will learn about how the processes map onto the neurophysiological mechanisms and how our lifestyles are related to them and our chronic conditions.
Peer support for you own healthy behavioral changes
This was for me revolutionary. While I could support my peers in their own lifestyle-behavioral changes, I was subliminally and with no anxiety training the skills needed as a therapist.
Much better and effective than role-plays!
Examples of embodied feedback
Words tell one story. Sometimes the same story all over again. Bodies on the other hand express the essence of what is said, points to the function of them. Offers a new landscape to explore… and a space to honor difficult things…
Patient: – Blah, blah, blah [telling something horrible with a happy face]
Me: – WOW, when I heard that, I felt a cramp in my belly, and then it was difficult to sip for air..still is. I wonder how your body takes all this…what happens there?
Patient: – [crying] oh, see? I didn’t want to feel, because I know that I was going to cry… and my body…oh… my pain again
Me: – Can we explore that sensation?
Words bring you back and forth in time, our body is here and now.
Some individuals have no words to express. They have bodies to sense. And we need to enter this therapeutic space together.
Patient: – I feel nothing…
Me: – Can we explore that feeling?
Patient: – 😳 I said that I feel NOTHING!
Me: – Yes, I just wondering about how that feels, for instance, wherein your body you feel it? And how is the movement after your breathing there? If it were a sound, which sound it would be?
Do you have any questions?