+46 (0) 709 74 37 77 info@actinstitutet.se

Embody ACT

ACT courses ONLINE

Courses in English

Embodying the ACT-processes enriches your interventions. The training program offers three bocks: the personal self-care, the therapist specialization and trainer certification one.

Kurser på svenska

Lär dig att integrera kroppsbaserade ACT processer och övningar i din terapeutiska repertoar.  Specialisering och ledarutbildning.

Cursos en español

Integra el cuerpo y el movimiento mindful en tus sesiones de ACT y en tu autocuidado. Certificación trainer internacional.

Drawings by Deborah Kalmar, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Curious about embody ACT?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has good evidence for several chronic conditions. In turn, chronic conditions are related to how we move (or not), how we recharge our batteries, breath, and how we use and ACT with our bodies. 

To shift how we relate to our body is one of the most profound lifestyle changes. Lifestyle behavioral changes require powerful methods, high motivation, and extraordinary resilience. While psychological flexibility allows us to start thinking differently, Behavioral Plasticity adds the movement and body component to ACT, offering a systematic, structured, and ACT-consistent way to create sustainable en embodied lifestyle changes to increase vitality and health. 

These courses will allow the health professional to

  1. embody ACT in one’s own lifestyle behavioral changes,
  2. specialize in treating chronic and combined conditions such as Pain, Stress, and Trauma using the ACT principles and
  3. train peers and colleagues in the Behavioral Plasticity framework. 

Dr. Graciela Rovner

PhD. In Rehabilitation Medicine
Senior Pain and Mental Health Specialist Physiotherapist.
Peer reviewed international ACT trainer (by ACBS)
Researcher, teacher and supervisor at post-graduate level Karolinska Institutet. 
Funder and CEO of ACT institutet Sweden.

What course participants are saying…. 

"Wonderful integration of flexibility and commitment to change. I appreciate the ability to meet with others in small 'Zoom-rooms' for application and exercises."

Participant at a mini-workshop

"I really appreciated the experiential component of this session. I left feeling more grounded in my own professional values and learned several exercises and ways to model reflection on embodied values."

Attendee at a 1,5 hours mini-workshop at the ACBS online world conf 2020

"The pedagogical method and the educational activities in this course opened for an amazing creativity and enrichment, while taking part of my colleagues ideas and experiences."

Physiotherapist from Finland that underwent he ONLINE masters-level course at Karolinska Institutet

“Transformative journey, difficult to predict the unexpected outcomes and changes that this course generated in me as a person and a therapist. The peer supervision group help me to keep practicing the new skills and to be more open and vulnerable, which has been revolutionary for me.”

Physiotherapist that underwent  the online grad- course spring 2020

Do you have any questions?


Send us a message!

+46 (0) 709 743777